Poster Presentations
Nov. 2024 | International Genetic Epidemiology Society Annual Meeting, Denver; Statistics to prioritize rare variants in family-based sequencing studies with disease subtypes. Christina Nieuwoudt, Fabiha Binte Farooq, Angela Brooks-Wilson, Alexandre Bureau and Jinko Graham (presenter) |
June 2024 | 2024 Meeting of the European Society for Human Genetics, Online poster session; ATXN2 gene variants in neurodegenerative diseases. D Jethnani (presenter), J Lubieniecka, K Lubieniecki, S Bernsen, K Audoire, M Yusenko, C Hippert, K Doring, N Jovancevic, S Hofjan, P Weydt, J Graham, H Nguyen |
Sept. 2022 | International Genetic Epidemiology Society Annual Meeting, Paris; An Exploration of Linkage Fine-Mapping on Sequences from Case-Control Studies. P Nickchi, C Karunarathna and J Graham (presenter) |
Sept. 2022 | International Genetic Epidemiology Society Annual Meeting, Paris; Inference of gene-environment interaction from heterogeneous case-parent trios}. P Ratnasekera, J Graham and B McNeney (presenter) |
May 2022 | Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, online; Sampling Partial Genealogies Using Sequential Importance Sampling. D Liu (presenter) and J Graham |
Oct. 2021 | International Genetic Epidemiology Society Annual Meeting, online; A Comparison of Association Methods for Fine-mapping Rare Variants in Case-Control Studies. P Nickchi (presenter) C Karunarathna and J Graham |
Oct. 2021 | International Genetic Epidemiology Society Annual Meeting, online; Shrinkage Parameter Estimation in Penalized Logistic Regression Analysis of Case-Control Data. Y Yu (presenter) S Chen and B McNeney |
Oct. 2021 | International Genetic Epidemiology Society Annual Meeting, online; Re-analysis of a Genome-Wide Gene-By-Environment Interaction Study of Case Parent Trios, Adjusted for Population Stratification. P Ratnasekera (presenter), J Graham and B McNeney |
May 2019 | Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Calgary AB; Sampling Partial Genealogies Using Sequential Importance Sampling. D Liu (presenter) and J Graham. |
August 2018 | Workshop on New Statistical Methods for Family-Based Sequencing Studies, Banff International Research Station (BIRS), Banff, AB; SimRVSequences: Simulating Sequence Data for Pedigrees. C Nieuwoudt (presenter), A Brooks-Wilson and J Graham. |
August 2018 | Workshop on New Statistical Methods for Family-Based Sequencing Studies, Banff International Research Station (BIRS), Banff, AB; On Using Gene Genealogies to Find Trait-Influencing Variants, P Nickchi (presenter) and J Graham. |
August 2018 | Workshop on New Statistical Methods for Family-Based Sequencing Studies, Banff International Research Station (BIRS), Banff, AB; Sampling Partial Genealogies Using Sequential Importance Sampling. Dongmeng Liu (presenter) and Jinko Graham. |
July 2018 | 2018 Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM), Vancouver, BC; On Using Gene Genealogies to Find Trait-Influencing Variants, P Nickchi (presenter) and J Graham |
June 2018 | 7th Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Harrison Hot Springs Resort, BC; On Using Gene Genealogies to Find Trait-Influencing Variants, P Nickchi (presenter) and J Graham. |
June 2018 | 7th Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Harrison Hot Springs, BC; SimRVSequences: Simulating Sequence Data for Pedigrees. C Nieuwoudt (presenter), A Brooks-Wilson, and J Graham. |
July 2016 | 28th International Biometrics Conference, Victoria, BC; Using Gene Genealogies to Understand the Patterns of Case-control Association in Sequencing Data. CB Karunarathna (presenter) and J Graham. |
April 2015 | Fourth Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Vancouver, BC; Using Gene Genealogies to Understand the Patterns of Case-control Association. CB Karunarathna (presenter) and J Graham. |
April 2015 | Fourth Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Vancouver, BC; Is There Anticipation in the Age of Onset of Familial Lymphoid Cancers? D Liu (presenter), S Jones, R Thomas, GW Slack, JM Connors, A Brooks-Wilson, and J Graham. |
April 2015 | Fourth Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Vancouver, BC; Principal Component-based Analysis of High-dimensional Gene Expression Guided by Clinical Data. JM Lubieniecka (presenter), J Graham, A Sarmiento, KL Brown, C Ross, R Luqmani, D Foell, E Gill, REW Hancock, S Benseler, DA Cabral. |
April 2015 | Fourth Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Vancouver, BC; Prioritizing Rare Variants in Lymphoid Cancer Families. C Nieuwoudt (presenter), J Graham, S Jones, R Thomas, GW Slack, JM Connors, and A Brooks-Wilson. |
April 2015 | Fourth Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Vancouver, BC; Joint Analysis of Imaging and Genomic Data to Identify Associations Related to Cognitive Impairment. E Szefer (presenter) MF Beg and J Graham. |
May 2014 | Third Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Victoria, BC; Controlling for Ethnicity Using Supervised Principal Components in Genetic Association Studies. E Szefer (presenter) and J Graham. |
May 2014 | Third Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Victoria, BC; Genetics of Pediatric ANCA-associated Vasculitides (AAVs). JM Lubieniecka (presenter), J Graham, A Sarmiento, KL Brown, C Ross, R Luqmani, D Foell, REW Hancock, S Benseler and DA Cabral |
October 2013 | Workshop on Coalescent Theory: New Developments and Applications, Montreal, QC. Coalescent Model Through Simulations. B Jonoska Stojkova and WL Premarathna (co-presenters). |
October 2012 | International Genetic Epidemiology Meeting, Steveston WA. Incorporating gene genealogies in rare variant mapping methodology. K Burkett (presenter), B McNeney, J Graham and C Greenwood. |
October 2012 | International Genetic Epidemiology Meeting, Steveston WA. A data-smoothing approach to graphical displays and testing of gene-environment interaction using data from case-parent trios. J-H Shin (presenter), C Infante-Rivard, B McNeney and J Graham |
April 2012 | Inaugural Canadian Human & Statistical Genetics Meeting, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON. Sampling genealogies conditional on unphased genotype data. K Burkett (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham. |
April 2012 | Inaugural Canadian Human & Statistical Genetics Meeting, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON. A data-smoothing approach to graphical displays and testing of gene-environment interaction using data from case-parent trios. J-H Shin (presenter), C Infante-Rivard, B McNeney and J Graham. |
May 2011 | 6th Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology & Statistical Genetics Meeting, King City, ON. Sampling genealogies conditional on genotype data at surrounding markers. K Burkett (presenter) , B McNeney and J Graham. |
May 2011 | 6th Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology & Statistical Genetics Meeting, King City, ON. Testing gene-environment interaction in case-parent trios when we do not have a causal SNP. J-H Shin (presenter), C Infante-Rivard, J Graham and B McNeney |
April 2011 | CRM Workshop in Computational Statistical Methods for Genomics and Systems Biology, Montreal QC. Sampling genealogies conditional on genotype data at surrounding markers. K Burkett (presenter), B. McNeney and J Graham |
April 2011 | CRM Workshop in Computational Statistical Methods for Genomics and Systems Biology, Montreal QC. Testing gene-environment interaction in case-parent trios when we do not have a causal SNP. J-H Shin (presenter), C Infante-Rivard, J Graham and B. McNeney |
August 2010 | Joint Statistical Meetings, Vancouver BC. Graphical displays to uncover gene-environment interaction from data on case-parent trios. J-H Shin (presenter), C. Infante-Rivard, B. McNeney and J Graham. |
August 2010 | Joint Statistical Meetings, Vancouver BC. Sampling ancestries at a genomic location conditional on data from surrounding genetic markers. K. Burkett (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham. |
April 2010 | 5th Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology & Statistical Genetics Meeting, King City, ON. Graphical displays to uncover gene-environment interaction from data on case-parent trios. J-H Shin (presenter), C Infante-Rivard, B McNeney and J Graham |
April 2010 | 5th Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology & Statistical Genetics Meeting, King City, ON. Sampling ancestries at a genomic location conditional on data from surrounding genetic markers. K Burkett (presenter) , B McNeney and J Graham |
April 2010 | 5th Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology and Statistical Genetics Meeting, King City, ON. Multiple Hypothesis Testing Procedures with Application to Epidemiologic Studies of Genetic. C Qu (presenter), J Spinelli and J Graham |
October 2009 | Annual Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, Kahuku HI. Sampling ancestries at a genomic location conditional on data from surrounding genetic markers. K Burkett (presenter) , B McNeney and J Graham |
June 2009 | Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, UBC. Multiple hypothesis testing procedures with applications to epidemiologic studies of genetic susceptibility. C Qu (presenter), J Spinelli and J Graham |
June 2009 | Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, UBC. A statistical method for high-throughput screening of predicted orthologs.J-E Min (presenter), M Whiteside, F Brinkman, B McNeney and J Graham. |
June 2009 | Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, UBC. Sampling ancestries at a genomic location conditional on data from surrounding genetic markers. K Burkett (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham |
May 2009 | 4th Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology & Statistical Genetics Meeting, Harrison Hot Springs Resort. Can gene-by-environment interaction be inferred from parent-case transmission rates?J-H Shin (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham. |
May 2009 | 4th Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology & Statistical Genetics Meeting, Harrison Hot Springs Resort. Multiple hypothesis testing procedures with applications to epidemiologic studies of genetic susceptibility. C Qu (presenter) , J Spinelli and J Graham. |
May 2009 | 4th Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology & Statistical Genetics Meeting, Harrison Hot Springs Resort. Sampling ancestries at a genomic location conditional on data from surrounding genetic markers. K Burkett (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham. |
September 2008 | Annual Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, St Louis. Can Gene-by-Environment Interaction be Inferred from Parent-Case Transmission Rates?J-H Shin (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham. |
September 2008 | Annual Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, St Louis. Sampling ancestries at a genomic location conditional on data from surrounding genetic markers. K Burkett (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham. |
May 2008 | Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Ottawa. Case Study Competition. Do TNF-alpha gene polymorphisms modify the association between polyunsaturated fatty acids and HDL/apo A-1? K. Burkett (leader), C. Qu (presenter) , J.-H. Shin (contributor), B McNeney (mentor), J Graham (mentor). |
April 2008 | Third Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Toronto. Sampling ancestries at a hidden disease locus conditional on data from surrounding genetic. K. Burkett (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham. |
September 2007 | Annual Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, York, England. Sampling ancestries at a hidden disease locus conditional on data from surrounding genetic markers. K Burkett (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham. |
September 2007 | Annual Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, York, England. Inferring Gene-by-Environment Interaction: Do Transmission Rates Reflect Genotype Relative Risks of Disease?J-H Shin (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham. |
April 2007 | Second Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology and StatisticalMeeting, Toronto. Semiparametric likelihood inference ofassociations with a genetic factor and independent continuousin a case-control study of a rare disease.J-H Shin (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham. |
April 2007 | Second Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology and Statistical Genetics Workshop, Toronto. Markov Chain Monte Carlo exact inference in logistic regression models.D Zamar (presenter) , B McNeney and J Graham. |
November 2005 | The Third Seattle Symposium in Biostatistics:Genetics and Genomics. hapassoc: Software for likelihood inference of trait associations with SNP haplotypes and other attributes. K Burkett (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham. |
November 2005 | The Third Seattle Symposium in Biostatistics: Statistical Genetics and Genomics. Semiparametric likelihood inference in case-control studies of a rare disease under independence of genetic and continuous non-genetic covariates, with application to a case-control study of type 1 diabetes. J-H Shin (presenter), L Bekris, A Lernmark, B McNeney and J Graham. |
October 2005 | Annual Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, Park City. Semiparametric maximum likelihood inference of disease associations with a genetic risk factor and independent continuous attribute in a case-control study of type 1 diabetes. J-H Shin (presenter), L Bekris, A Lernmark, B McNeney and J Graham. |
May 2005 | MITACS Annual Conference and Interchange, Calgary. A semiparametric likelihood method with improved precision to detecti genetic interactions in type 1 diabetes, J-H Shin (presenter), L Bekris, A Lernmark, B McNeney and J Graham. |
September 2004 | Annual Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, Noordwijkerhout NL. Semi-parametric likelihood inference of disease associations with a genetic factor and independent continuous attribute in a case-control study. J-H Shin (presenter), L Bekris, T Farin, T Kavanagh, A Lernmark, B McNeney and J Graham. |
September 2004 | International Genetic Analysis Workshop 14,, Noordwijkerhout NL. A comparison of three methods selecting tagging SNPs. M Pratola (presenter), M Ghadessi, K Burkett, J Graham, B McNeney and D Daley. |
March 2004 | Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, Baltimore. Glutathione-s-transferase polymorphisms and associations with T1DM. L Bekris (presenter), C Shepard, F Farin, J Graham, B McNeney, T Kavanagh, A Lernmark. |
November 2003 |
Annual Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, Redondo Beach California. Maximum-likelihood estimation of type 1 diabetes associations with a genetic factor and independent continuous attribute. J-H Shin (presenter), L Bekris, F Farin, T Kavanagh, A Lernmark, B McNeney and J Graham. |
November 2003 | Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Los Angeles, CA. Incorporating uncertain phase into estimation and testing of haplotype associations. K Burkett (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham |
May 2003 | MITACS Annual Conference and Interchange, Ottawa. Incorporating haplotype uncertainty in disease risk estimation. K. Burkett (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham. |
October 2002 | Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Baltimore, MD. PEDMST, a new program for identity coefficients calculation and IBD patterns enumeration. C Zhu (presenter) and J Graham |
August 2002 | Eric K. Fernstrom Foundation Symposium on Diabetes, Ystad, Sweden. Study of multilocus age-dependent genetic effects on type 1 diabetes risk (MAGENTA). J Graham (presenter), B McNeney, W Hagopian, I Kockum, L Chen, C Sanjeevi, R Lowe, J Schaefer, M Zarghami, H Day, M Landin-Olsson, J Palmer, M Janer-Villanueva, L Hood, G Sundkvist, A Lernmark, N Breslow, G Dahlquist for the Swedish Childhood Diabetes Study Group and G Blohme for the Diabetes Incidence in Sweden Study Group. |
October 1997 | Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Baltimore, MD. Disequilibrium mapping via coalescent models of gene ancestry. J Graham (presenter) and EA Thompson. |