CEUSNP: Genotypes on 15 SNPs for 60 people
CEUDist: Physical map positions of the 15 SNPs in CEUSNP
CEUSNP: A dataframe of SNP genotypes. Each row represents an individual. Each column represents a SNP.
CEUDist: A vector of integers, representing SNP physical map locations on the chromosome.
International HapMap Project www.hapmap.org
Data on SNPs with minor allele frequency greater than 5% from a 9kb region of chromosome 7 (base positions 126273659 through 126282556 from release 7 of the International HapMap Project). Genotypes from 30 parent-offspring trios (both parents, one offspring) were obtained. The 30 trios are taken from the so-called CEPH families, a set of multi-generational families from Utah with ancestry from northern and western Europe. From this set of 90 people, 60 parents were extracted.
The International HapMap Consortium. A haplotype map of the human genome. Nature 437, 1299-1320. 2005.